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Covid-19 has upended the daily lives of people across the world. But in the last week, as the plans of opening to travellers have gained more traction, the government of Australia has initiated taking concrete steps against the travel ban.
As a result, on May 8, Australia announced a three-stage plan (allowing businesses to reopen, large gatherings and interstate travel) to bring back their economy on track.
The three stages of Australia’s exit plans include:
Stage 1 – local and regional travel are allowed.
Stage 2 – some interstate travel allowed while visitor limit increases to 20 in-home business or public places.
Stage 3 – gathering size increased to 100 and cross-Tasman, Pacific island and international student travel allowed.
Australia’s most populous states like Melbourne and Sydney have held back from easing COVID-19 restrictions, but some states have allowed small gatherings of 5 to 6 people and prepared to open restaurants aligned to the government’s three-stage plan. In fact, schools have reopened in South Australia and Western Australia. Hence, the state of Queensland is now sending students back to school.
As Prime Minister Scott Morrison has outlined, International students may be the first set of travellers who will be exempted from Australia’s current travel ban, based on the latest three-step process for exiting lockdown.
The announcement effect means that from July, international students across the world may enter the country, as long as stringent quarantine rules are observed by the students. With international education generating AU$40 billion per year to the economy, there is a call for Australia to protect its industry.
In the concluding speech on May 8, Morrison said, “We are heading to reopen our economy with a logical plan and framework. There will be outbreaks, there will be setbacks, and not everything might go as per our plan. But we can’t let our fear of going backwards stop us from going forwards”.
So, that’s splendid news for students! Whether you are a student studying in Australia or aspiring to pursue higher education in Australia, we suggest you stick to your plans!
Stay safe and stay connected!
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