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Facing UK Visa Rejection or Delay? Here Are the Common Reasons Why!


Understanding the reasons for your UK visa rejection will give you a clear idea on how to avoid this situation in the future. Here, we will discuss some possible reasons for the rejection to ensure that you obtain a UK student visa without any hassle.

Thousands of people apply for different types of UK visas every year. It usually takes up to 12 weeks after an appointment with the application centre for the UK visa to be approved or denied. Though the UK visa rejection rate is not all that alarming, some applications may get rejected for various reasons. An out-of-place document or an error in your application could possibly push it back or contribute to a rejection. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons for this situation and how it can be avoided. 

Most Common Reasons for UK Visa Rejection

Ideally, you should read and meet all the visa requirements to avoid this situation. Although the main factor is failure to meet the requirements, there are other UK visa rejection reasons as well. 

Your Travel History

Travel history is also asked in the visa application, so make sure that you have a list of the entry and exit dates, copies of passport arrival stamps and visas. If you have no travel history, there is a high possibility that your visa application will be rejected. A person with a prior UK visa may get their new visa processed much quicker compared to other applicants. Your travel history demonstrates that you have adhered to the legislation of the nation or nations you have been to previously.

It is an important factor in decisions related to a UK visa. Entry Clearance Officers will examine your passport for information about your travel history, paying special attention to any mention of prior visa rejection in your visa application. So, if possible, try to get a different visa stamp before applying for a UK student visa. 

Inaccurate Information in the Application Form

As a student applying for a UK student visa, the online application form will be the most significant document for you. The application form can be a complex piece of documentation however, if you are applying for a student visa for the first time. Making an error in the application is more common than you think, with many students misinterpreting some of the questions. As an applicant, you must be honest in declaring details, whether it be about your sponsor, address in the UK, or previous travels, especially visa refusals from any other country. Applicants frequently provide inaccurate information, leading to UK visa rejections. 

Insufficiency of Funds

Funding can also play a part in deciding whether your student visa application gets approved. As a person who plans to go to the UK, you must be capable of paying your living expenses, tuition fees, and all other necessary types of expenses. You must prove that you have enough money to cover your living expenses and tuition fees for the duration of your course. The amount must be stable and untouched for at least 28 days out of the 31 days before the day on which you submit the application. For instance, if you plan to submit it on January 1st, 2023, you would need to demonstrate the presence of the funds in your account for at least 28 days until December 01, 2022.

Build up a bank balance over the course of six months before applying, and avoid third party transfer funds to your account a few days before your visa appointment. If a third party does this, it is a red flag that may lead to UK visa rejection. As per the UK government, as a student visa applicant, you must only use your or your parent's bank account as proof of funds. Candidates often neglect these intricate pieces of information, thus leading to visa rejections.

Read on for more UK visa rejection reasons. 

Gap Year

The term 'gap year' refers to an inactive period after senior high school or graduation. Essentially, it is the period where you do not pursue further education or work after attending senior high school or university. Any gap years in your application may increase your chances of being denied a UK visa. Therefore, be sure to mention something that is relevant to your future course or associated with your career ahead (like an internship) in your application. If there is any gap year in your application, however, you may be better off preparing a personal statement explaining it. 

Lack of Academic Achievements

As a candidate seeking to apply to a top university in the United Kingdom, you must meet the high academic standards of the country with relevant achievements. It is a must to meet these standards in order to get the UK visa approval letter. Failure to do so might lead to rejection if the issuing authority reckons that you cannot endure the prevalent educational system in the UK. 

Incomplete Documentation

Candidates sometimes undervalue supporting documents for UK visa applications. You must strengthen your application with the form and supporting documentation. Be sure to upload the supporting documents for all the details you declare in your online visa application to your VFS Global account.

You should take care to ensure that you submit every document that UK Visas and Immigration asks for, in the order it necessitates, and with attestation if necessary. It is also worth noting that the documentation must be in accordance with international standards (and presented in English). 

Why Might Your UK Visa Application Face a Processing Delay?

Some reasons for the UK visa delay may be beyond your control. For example, coronavirus and the Russo-Ukrainian War contributed to delays in processing and higher-than-usual UK visa rejection rates, and candidates could not have done anything about these circumstances. The waiting time will usually start after you submit your visa application over the internet and end when you receive an email or letter notifying you of the final decision on it.

If it takes longer for you to get a notification from UK Visas and Immigration, it would mean that your application has been in the queue longer than the standard waiting time. In this case, it is a must to look into the possible reasons for UK visa delays.

One reason for the delay may be the submission of the application in paper form. A UK visa application is fully electronic, which eliminates the requirement for sending any paperwork to the application centre during the submission of biometric information. However, many candidates bring certain documents directly to the centre, making the UK visa officer responsible for scanning them and sending them to the UK embassy. The embassy would return the visa application if the printouts or scans are unclear, contributing to a severe backlog with regard to the visa.

Some VFS offices offer priority services for a fee if a visa outcome becomes essential within 3 to 5 days. Other special services are offered and may be found on the website of VFS Global. 

What Should You Do If Your UK Visa Is Rejected or Refused?

In this situation, you should reach out to the International Student Visa Advice Team at the earliest and submit copies of the rejection or refusal letter. You can then talk to an advisor or immigration consultant about your available options. Usually, you can either reapply for the UK visa after a refusal or rejection or ask for an administrative review.

You will usually have only 14 to 28 days to demand an administrative review, depending on where you lodged the application, and this is possible only if your visa decision letter allows the same. So, make sure to carefully read the letter for provisions for UK visa refusal appeal or rejection appeal. The other option is to reapply for the visa after identifying and dealing with the reasons for the previous UK student visa rejections. One way to deal with the rejection is to show a change in your circumstances from the previous application.

There is no cap on the number of times you can apply for a student visa, allowing you to have as many cracks at it as you feel necessary. However, it does not pay to apply many times for this visa. There might not be any instance of you being blacklisted unless you have a criminal background, but it is better to get the application right on the first go.

To be on the safer side, you may even examine your documents carefully and print more copies of anything you feel you might require, in addition to double-checking the date and time of your visa appointment. This way, there will be little to no room for errors, guaranteeing your arrival in the UK for higher education. 

What are the Chances of a UK Student Visa Getting Rejected?

It is a rare scenario. If you submit all the related documents correctly, you would be able to get your UK student visa hassle-free. 

Still wondering what went wrong with your first student visa application? If so, contact our experts, and we can help you sort out this situation.

So, Contact us right away for free study abroad consultation!

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